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I so meant to get this out a few days back but my radiation treatment is knocking me for a loop.

Don't forget to look outside at sunset tonight.

The 2017 harvest moon will rise just after the sun sets on October 5, appearing in the waning light.

This particular moon tends to appear massive and often takes on a reddish-orange color.

While it might appear to be a cosmic signifier of fall, the changes in color are due to the effects of clouds and dust in the sky. Low-hanging moons are viewed through a filter of pollution and dust in the atmosphere near the horizon.

And the harvest moon's seemingly enormous size is due to an optical effect known as the "moon illusion," which makes low-hanging moons appear to be much larger than they will when they rise higher into the sky.

The "moon illusion," which NASA describes as a "well-known but mysterious trick of the eye that makes low-hanging moons seem much larger than they really are."

The moon will be 100 percent full at 2:40 p.m. EDT (1840 GMT). If you're in the continental U.S., you won't be able to see the moon, as it will be below the horizon at that time. However, the moon will still look pretty full after it rises that evening

During the year the moon rises -- on average -- about 50 minutes later each day. But near the equinox that difference decreases to around 30 minutes, according to NASA.

That means that the Harvest Moon will rise about the same time -- around sunset.

This was especially important before electricity because the moonlight gave farmers extra time to harvest their crops.

The thing that gives the phenomenon the name "harvest moon" is simply the fact that this is the closest full moon to the autumnal equinox, which happened on September 22. This is a rare type of harvest moon, however, since it's appearing in October, not September.

The Harvest Moon will make a close pass by Neptune, just as the full moon did in September, though you'll need binoculars or a telescope to see the distant planet. On Oct. 3, South Pacific observers in Tasmania, New Zealand and southeastern Australia will see the 94 percent-illuminated moon occult, or pass in front of, Neptune.

Situated in the constellation Aquarius, the (almost) full moon will rise on Thursday evening (Oct. 5) at 6:51 p.m. EDT in New York City, setting the next morning at 7:40 a.m., according to

Neptune greets the Harvest Moon

Neptune's occultation won't be visible from the United States; only skywatchers in New Zealand, Tasmania and the area east of Melbourne, Australia, will see the moon pass in front of the planet. For observers in Christchurch, New Zealand, the occultation will start (with Neptune disappearing behind the moon) at 1:26 a.m. Oct. 4, and ends at 2:39 a.m. In Australia, the city of East Sale will see the occultation start at 11:18 p.m., with Neptune reappearing at 11:46 p.m. In Tasmania, the city of Hobart will begin at 10:58 p.m. and end at 11:55 p.m.

For viewers along the U.S. East Coast, the moon will have already set below the horizon before the occultation. Stargazers on the West Coast can watch the moon pass closely by Neptune shortly before 4 a.m. PDT, just about 30 minutes before the moon sets.

Neptune isn't visible without at least a good pair of binoculars, and preferably a small telescope. Bright light from the full moon will wash out fainter stars around the natural satellite. However, the proximity between Neptune and the moon may make the planet somewhat easier to locate in the sky. Neptune's maximum brightness is about magnitude 7.8, fainter than what an observer with good vision can see even from a dark-sky site.

An unusual Harvest Moon

According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, the name of the full moon in October is usually "Hunter's Moon," as October is when people would hunt to store food for winter. However, this year is a bit out of the ordinary, and we'll have a Harvest Moon instead.

In autumn, the angle of the ecliptic – or sun and moon’s path – makes a narrow angle with the horizon. Image via

The narrow angle of the ecliptic means the moon rises noticeably farther north on the horizon, from one night to the next. So there is no long period of darkness between sunset and moonrise. Image via

In addition to the Blood Moon, this full moon is known as the Hunter Moon and the Dying Grass Moon.

The unifying theme here is death, but that’s not as morbid as it sounds: These three names come from a time when people had to hunt for their food, all the while noticing signs of nature’s inevitable “death” in the winter to come.

And actually, this moon’s dark and creepy reputation doesn’t stem from its name but from the fact that Samhain (the Pagan sabbat that celebrates death and inspired Halloween) falls within its lunation. For some, it can be spiritually fulfilling to spend the Blood Moon reflecting on the afterlife and mortality, especially ahead of November’s Mourning Moon, which encourages us to think about those we’ve lost.

Entering October’s lunation means accepting — and celebrating — the fact that nature is winding down for the year. If you haven’t already decked your house out with pinecones, gourds, and other autumnal accent items, now’s the time to start decorating.

Bringing objects from nature into your living space is a simple way to honor this full moon’s energy. Another common way to acknowledge the Blood Moon is to cook a warm, hearty meal, with or without meat.

This lunar phase is great for charging your crystals, meditating, and even casting a spell or two, but you can reap the benefits of the full moon's energy in smaller, simpler ways, too. In other words, you don't need to start a crystal collection and call up your local chakra healer if you want to ring in this month's full moon.

It a wonderful time to charge crystals or perform a cleansing ritual — the full moon is considered a spiritual reset button. As lovely as full moons can be, they are also an opportune time for facing hard truths and clearing away anything that no longer serves you., the full moon is associated with purity. So, perform a practical cleansing ritual that targets the unnecessary woes in your life: Cut out toxic people, break bad habits, or literally clean out your closets. Handling these tricky (and often difficult) tasks truly is a form of self-care.

What Does The Hunter’s Moon Or Harvest Moon 2017 Mean Astrologically?

The Full Moon on the 5th of October falls at 12º Aries decan 2. Aries 2 is a protector and warrior, rather than a conventional nurturer. However, when it comes to love, don’t let Aries 2 confuse you, this October you could find yourself fighting more strongly for what you believe in. The Harvest Moon tends to reveal the truth.

This full Harvest Moon teaches us to be strong and independent, and to reject people or projects that are not in full alignment with our highest goals.

There is a lot we can gather from the name Harvest Moon alone. A harvest is a time to reap the rewards for what we’ve been working towards all year, but it is also a time where we may have to work a bit harder to finish what still remains before harvesting our reward.

August’s full moon was all about handling those necessary tasks and perhaps difficult conversations with a partner. Now you’re very close to all that hard work finally paying off!

However, as you probably already know, every full moon comes with the possibility of great change to arrive. This is a time to look ahead toward the winter and after the 5th of October, you can perhaps take a quick break before the bustle of Thanksgiving prep and holiday shopping comes knocking.

Take this break to reflect on what else you’d like to accomplish before the end of 2017. What else do you need to wrap up so you can start 2018 with a new and clean slate?

The Harvest Moon brings about an astrological opportunity, a super boost perhaps. At this time there is great opportunity for all zodiac signs to make long lasting change and with the right planning, you can make even your wildest 2017 dreams a reality.

This Full Moon will push you to look at places and things that are hidden from you, either, by yourself or others. Some of you will be tempted to try and box these secrets away but remember that they have roots, which will fester and grow. This rare Harvest Moon points to places that you have allowed yourself to be gullible or deluded. It marks a time of public unmasking for many in the public eye. It is also a rich opportunity for discovering new skills and abilities. The veil between life and death is getting thinner, so expect visits from those who have passed and who have messages (these could come in dreams).

Channeled by Simonne LeBlanc

Each full moon brings something new with it, whether that's a new opportunity or momentous personal change. But the full moon doesn't always have to be earth-shattering:

Full Moon Names and Meanings

Many human cultures have given names to the full moon throughout the year. Different full moon names can be found among the Chinese, Celtic, Old English, and New Guinea cultures, to name a few. In addition, Native American tribes often used moon phases and cycles to keep track of the seasons and gave a unique name to each recurring full moon. The full moon names were used to identify the entire month during which each occurred. Although many Native American Tribes gave distinct names to the full moon, the most well known names of the full moon come from the Algonquin tribes who lived in the area of New England and westward to Lake Superior. The Algonquin tribes had perhaps the greatest effect on the early European settlers in America, and the settlers adopted the Native American habit of naming the moons. They even invented some of their own names that have been passed down through time. The names given below aren't the only ones that have been used. Every full moon, with one exception, had variations on its name among various Algonquin tribes, not to mention other tribes throughout North America. But the names below are the most common. Some of the variations are also mentioned. January: The Wolf Moon In January snow gathers deep in the woods and the howling of wolves can be heard echoing in the cold still air. Some tribes called this moon the Snow Moon, but most often it was used for the next month. February: The Snow Moon Snow piles even higher in February, giving this moon its most common name. Among tribes that used this name for the January moon, the February moon was called the Hunger Moon due to the challenging hunting conditions. March: The Worm Moon Snow slowly begins to melt, the ground softens, and earthworms show their heads again and their castings or fecal matter can be found. Other signs of spring gave rise to other variations: the cawing of crows (the Crow Moon); the formation of crusts on the snow from repeated thawing and freezing (the Crust Moon); and the time for tapping maple trees (the Sap Moon). Christian settlers also called this the Lenten Moon and considered it the last moon of winter. April: The Pink Moon Flowers begin to appear, including the widespread grass pink or wild ground phlox. Other variations indicate more signs of full spring, such as Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon, and Fish Moon (common among coastal tribes). May: The Flower Moon Flowers come into full bloom and corn is ready to plant. Also called the Corn Planting Moon and the Milk Moon. June: The Strawberry Moon Strawberry-picking season reaches its peak during this time. This is one of the few names that was universal to all Algonquin tribes. July: The Buck Moon Buck deer start growing velvety hair-covered antlers in July. Frequent thunderstorms in the New England area also resulted in the name Thunder Moon. Some tribes also used Hay Moon. August: The Sturgeon Moon The sturgeon, a large fish common to the Great Lakes and other nearby bodies of water, is most easily caught during this month. The reddish appearance of the moon through the frequent sultry hazes of August also prompted a few tribes to dub it the Red Moon. Other names included the Green Corn Moon and the Grain Moon. September: The Harvest Moon Many of the Native American tribes' staple foods, such as corn, pumpkins, squash, beans, and rice, are ready for gathering at this time. The strong light of the Harvest Moon allowed European farmers to work late into the night to harvest their crops. The Harvest Moon does not always occur in September. Traditionally, the name goes to the full moon closest to the autumn equinox, which falls during October once or twice a decade. Sometimes the September full moon was called the Corn Moon. October: The Hunter's Moon After the fields have been reaped, the leaves begin to fall and the deer are fat and ready for eating. Hunters can ride easily over the fields' stubble, and the fox and other animals are more easily spotted. Some years the Harvest Moon falls in October instead of September. November: The Beaver Moon At this time of year the beavers are busy preparing for winter, and it's time to set beaver traps and secure a store of warm fur before the swamps freeze over. Some tribes called this the Frosty Moon. December: The Cold Moon Winter takes a firm hold and temperatures plummet at this time. Sometimes this moon is also called the Long Night Moon as the winter nights lengthen and the moon spends more time above the horizon opposite a low sun. The full moon name often used by Christian settlers is the "Moon before Yule". Blue Moon Note that due to the 29-day lunar cycle the exact dates of the full moon move every year. Most seasons have three full moons, but because of the variation some seasons have four full moons. The term "blue moon" was used to identify one of these extra full moons. A mistaken definition in the March 1946 edition of Sky and Telescope magazine claimed the blue moon fell on the second full moon of the calendar month. This mistake caused widespread misunderstanding until it was finally corrected in 1999.

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