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A Solar Eclipse occurs on August 21, 2017, at 28 degrees and 53 minutes of Leo, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 24 to 30 degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), and approximately 0 to 4 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly. The sun will disappear behind the moon, turning daylight into twilight, causing the temperature drop rapidly and revealing massive streamers of light streaking through the sky around the silhouette of the moon.

The so-called Great American Total Solar Eclipse will darken skies all the way from Oregon to South Carolina, along a stretch of land about 70 miles (113 kilometers) wide. People who descend upon this "path of totality" for the big event are in for an unforgettable experience.

Historically, the recording of eclipses is a cross-cultural phenomenon. They were feared not only by the ordinary people but by kings and emperors too. The triple alignment of the two celestial lights, the Sun and Moon, with the plane of the earth was deemed a harbinger of potent change. In Babylon, the stargazing capital of the arcane world, a commoner was appointed king prior to an eclipse. But the honour was short lived, with both the individual and his title sacrificed to appease the celestial gods and protect the king.

A change to the order

Eclipses upset the natural order. They interrupt the regularity of the two most important hands on the celestial clock. In earlier times, the Sun and Moon determined the annual calendar of hunting and harvest, both of which were essential for early survival. This disturbance to the cycle was, not surprisingly, interpreted as a heavenly sign of change or displeasure. Any change to the established order was the last thing a power-obsessed ruler would want. More recently, in Australia, folklore became fact with eclipses literally eclipsing leaders.

The time of eclipses can be used to symbolically clear and cleanse stagnant areas of your own life. New initiatives are in season, especially if you are born around February 26 or August 21. Home and relationship changes are favoured if your birthday falls on or near the February 11 or August 7 lunar eclipse. May you utilise the eclipse to powerfully refocus and turn shadows into light.

Lunar Eclipse Meaning

The Full Moon August 2017 is a lunar eclipse which focuses your attention on relationships of all kinds. The Sun opposite Moon qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a lunar eclipse. This lets you take an objective and balanced look at your close personal relationships. Being in touch with your own needs and intentions, and those of others, you can clearly see any relationship imbalances causing disharmony.

With a lunar eclipse, the blotting out of the Moon represents a resetting of emotions, clearing away the emotional baggage of the previous six months.

The August 7 lunar eclipse marks the end of an eclipse phase which began with the February 2017 Lunar Eclipse. Together with the August 21 solar eclipse, it will remain active until the lunar eclipse on January 31, 2018.

Lunar Eclipse August 2017 Astrology

The August 7 lunar eclipse in the Sign of Aquarius is really in the Constellation of Capricornus. The Sea Goat has a great influence over human affairs and brings major changes in such areas as climate and political customs. A lunar eclipse in the “Mansion of Kings” will focus attention on leaders, their rise to power and fall through overthrow or assassination. Unfavorably situated with regards to lunar eclipses (opposite Mars) the constellation indicates major storms, especially at sea.

Jupiter square Pluto is the strongest and most important aspect in the chart after the lunar eclipse itself (Sun opposite Moon). The full impact of Jupiter square Pluto is felt four days before the eclipse and it remains the major background influence. This aspect makes you want to succeed, and succeed big-time. It could be a pet project or career that you feel this intense drive to reach the top.

Success, power and influence are all possible, but without some care, there will be a price to pay. Ruthless determination, greed and corruption may get you there quicker and make you more money, but at a cost. Your personal life is the most likely area to suffer, especially your closest relationships. Remember a lunar eclipse highlights your emotions, home life and partners.

Moon trine Jupiter increases your chance of success, wealth and happiness. It encourages harmony in relationships and will soften the ruthless nature of your ambitions. Moon trine Jupiter also encourages a more moral and ethical approach. Intimate relationship will benefit from your openness and honesty. New relationships started now will be based on these same genuine qualities. Mutual respect and understanding can lead to very successful personal and business partnerships.

Sun sextile Jupiter brings optimism, good luck and happiness. This is an ideal time to meet your goals as there should be little or no resistance. Starting new projects will benefit from the growth and expansion of Jupiter. Others will be generous and hospitable toward you, especially Jupiter type people like judges and other authority figures. Other means to expand your horizons may include further education and long distance travel.

Moon opposite Mars will make you impatient to succeed and easily angered by any delays. Little things will annoy you that you would normally ignore. Anger and a tendency to act without thinking increase the risk of minor irritations turning into arguments or fights. Relationships with your partner, family and close friends are most likely to suffer from your impulsive actions and aggressive instincts. Channeling your aggressive energy toward hard work and competition will reduce the risk of conflict.

Sun conjunct Mars brings an abundance of energy and initiative which must be used constructively, otherwise there can be damaging consequences. If this hot energy were to build up in your body, it would be spontaneously released without control. Such a release of uncontrolled hot energy would be rapid and destructive, hurting yourself or others. Physical activity is preferred but the brain can also burn up a lot of energy. Your sex drive could go through the roof. Baby making suits the creative and productive nature of this aspect. You can express your identity through physical actions.

The typical cover-up that an eclipse brings will affect you personally or at a distance. If your birth chart is directly affected, then there will be a shadowy or shady person/situation which is not as clear and bright as it should be! Imagine all the lights going off, or the lights flickering – when you need to see. That is what an eclipse does.

An eclipse is not necessarily negative – in your own personal astrological chart, it may just be about missing information, blind spots, a lack of visibility and so on.

The first penumbral lunar eclipse will not only open the door for the continual revolutions within our society but also to the structures of our family, especially Leo’s. On the other hand, the metamorphism is so huge that this eclipse is making it known to the whole world that it is here.

The way this eclipse will do this is by its visibility through most of North America, Asia, Africa, and Europe. In the Vedic Philosophies it states that wherever the eclipse is visible it will affect the countries it impacts. The lunar eclipse will have a long enduring influence on all fixed signs due to its placement in Aquarius/Leo as both are in fixed signs; therefore all those under those signs (Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio and Taurus) will be magnified.

The full moon or lunar eclipse is always about getting rid of the old to make room for the new. With a flip of a coin the best of both worlds will be at your fingertips. However, in the Vedic Philosophies we always recommend that people understand, and are warned to practice, the same rituals as advised during retrograde, but with even more discipline during the eclipse.

Do not sign any documents, began, reunite, or end any kind of relationships. Do not begin any projects that are crucial. Do not make any major purchases.

When a lunar eclipse occurs, the earth is transitory between the Sun and the Moon, producing the Full Moon that we are familiar with every month – but in this case, the configuration is faultless – the consultation of the Moon is ample. The force of the Full Moon is abundant, yet she is absolutely covered for a couple of hours by the earth’s shadow; however, this will be a near miss. The Sun and Moon inhabit opposite Astrological signs, therefore underlining the specific polarization characteristic in those signs.

During the epoch of consultation, the Moon’s encouraging light is temporary. We may experience a catastrophe of deficiency, and the specific sort of deficiency depends collectively upon the astrological sign in which the eclipse occurs, and personally upon the sign and houses it falls on. This eclipse is predominantly relationship oriented – and our connections with others can be separated, tested, or abruptly fused together as the shock calls one to action.

There is a deep concern for emotional states and desires within the context of the house, sign, and planetary aspects affected. To fully increase in value the potential of the lunar eclipse, we must search both houses and signs that are brought into play. Where the Moon is – we can confront our demons, old habits and fears, and where the Sun is we may find the means to embrace a release from whatever bondage we experience in life through our creative efforts. In any event, there are opportunities for deeper understanding, and finding a balance in our lives.

Since Vedic Philosophies consider eclipses as a disturbance of the cosmos it is also determined that eclipses often set forth regeneration. Eclipse in a fire sign usually brings forth, to those countries where the eclipses are visible, things such as dissatisfaction of its people about the ruler, people becoming ill due to infections or unknown or incurable diseases, even death of an important person to that country. However, this is an axis taking into account two polarities.

Mixed with everything else is a sudden change of weather. Damage of produce and dairy due to pests or infestations, especially in farming areas, are also likely to happen during the lunar eclipse. However, all does not have to be disheartening; it is also a time that the universe will give its support to those that are humble in nature to be surprisingly ingenious and give them the strength and creativity to find the ideas they need to move forward in life. The same humble people will use their creativity to open those avenues which were not seen before, but this means to close the door to the mundane and take on a path of the unknown which can be frightening.

A Lunar Eclipse is considered by its influence on passionate feed-backs. Psychic feeling and mystical predispositions during a lunar eclipse occur because of the lunar energies. Take this energy and put it toward positive endeavors such as writing in your journal and embracing your feelings on paper. Remember, things that happen within the 3-week period of time during and after the eclipse usually have long lasting effect. If the eclipse happens on your sun it will have a great impact on your life, but if there is a clash it may be a difficult 6 months.

Primary placeholders that will be affected by this eclipse will be fixed signs therefore, I will be emphasizing Leo/Aquarius primary and move into those that may be least affected.

Fixed Signs

(Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio and Taurus)

This is the 2nd axis eclipse of Aquarius series eclipses; the first was Aquarius/Virgo axis in August of 2016 which was focused around work . This continual transformation will affect fixed signs until 2018. However, Saturn in Scorpio (According to Vedic) left Scorpio and moved into Sagittarius as of January 26, 2017, but will be back in June so it is a breather for you – this also affects every fixed sign. The only thing that is an individual journey is for Taurus which is Jupiter transit in Virgo (according to Vedic) until September 2017, so enjoy the ride.

Leo: Welcome to your first eclipse. This is a journey of transformation for you. Jupiter is kissing your forehead with some wonderful financial opportunities if you choose to take them. Saturn is also kissing you. Education and learning pursuits are awesome for you. Relationships can be great as well if you don’t have trust issues. Prepare yourself to transform your physical appearance and introspect on an autonomous philosophy. Have a deeper understanding of who you are and where you are going. With the Aquarius axis there is a greater chance to become very fickle minded and yearning to make changes in relationships may force an alteration upon your appearance. If things are stable, then you will maintain effort, if not you might decide to leave it. There is a possibility to achieve good standing in the community as a whole.

Aquarius: This is not your eclipse however you will be affected as it is a transformative eclipse like no other. Look back at the issues of the August 2016 eclipse. Saturn is not so bad for you since it has moved away from Scorpio. Things will start to get better in your professional life but your worrisome and emotional outbursts could cause problems with children and work. This could also cause problems and disturbance in your relationships, especially having to do with trust and constancy. Then again, if you could take that negative energy and place it where Jupiter wants you to, which is in research, you could find outstanding results. Don’t move or relocate in February, otherwise you will not be happy. Health related issues may cause you disturbance and you may rethink your relationship, asking if it is worth keeping. The focus is more on any kind of partnership and be careful, you may have enemies you may not be aware of. Finally, do not sign any legal documents.

Scorpio: You should be feeling much better. You have no eclipses; Saturn has now moved away for a short while. But this does not mean certain aspects won’t affect you. Saturn now is testing your mental state of mind and if you are not careful it will affect your health. The problematic areas could be occupation, monies, diet, and dental issues. It’s time to count on you, not on others. But on the other hand Jupiter is kissing you and telling you to travel for work, or travel to school if you change your mind about what you want to study or what you want to do – its ok. Spring time is not a good time for an engagement or a relationship. Just wait, your time is coming. Be a little bit more patient with family and children. This eclipse wants you to build a foundation that is about honor, not about money. It is about your family, your own reputation and how people see you. Build the foundation but don’t let people walk over you.

Taurus: Mercury is still going to touch upon you in May, but it’s not entirely bad; sometimes you need that down time. Saturn has moved out of Scorpio and moving into Sagittarius. Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom to realize that we have to go through a reality check. Saturn may make you feel as though you don’t have the support you need, financially and emotionally, and finding a solution may be painful and slow. This may mean you may have to take a deeper spiritual journey that will bring up pain from the past. However, Jupiter in Virgo is still on your side, even if you find February and May to be profitable it may be slow, but you will be able to pay off some debts. Be careful of your health. It is time to get yourself involved in religious activities, reconsider how your emotions affect your subconscious and your relationships, the structure of your home, and the relationship with your family and your parents.

Mutable Signs

(Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius and Gemini)

Though this eclipse may not have as significant role on you dear Pisces, just remember the universe is preparing you to end a cycle which began March 20, 2015 . Now, you can join your fellow Virgo and breathe a sigh of relief. Dearest Virgo enjoy your time with Jupiter as pleasures of Jupiter continue to bless you until September 12, 2017 when you pass the torch to Libra. But as you know, you don’t like change and as a mutable sign, 3 to 4 times a year Mercury always stirs your feathers which rules Gemini. The only things Gemini’s are really affected by are those that might affect air signs.

Pisces: Your times of transformation are soon ending but remember, this eclipse is just as transforming since the effects are as crucial. The rooted issue of transformation is going to be your journey into the abyss. Don’t think negative of Saturn in Sagittarius; actually, Saturn is going to kiss you. Don’t get so jigged in the bitterness of what could, or should, have been; it’s a waste of time and energy. You will see that you will land a good job, but with it there is going to be heavy responsibility and lots of travel. You will be tired and frustrated. Don’t you love traffic? You have to decide what price will you pay. Do some spiritual works then decide, if not, the last eclipse will decide for you. Read about all your eclipses here and read about my predictions here.

Virgo: My dear Virgo your frustration, worries, and doubts are enough to cause IBS to anyone, but how come you don’t have it? Saturn in Sagittarius may cause you to feel insecurity in your employment. At times you may feel unacknowledged, misjudged, an unnecessary heaviness, and discouraged. These punishing circumstances may possibly source an interruption away from work too. Unnecessary repairs, health of a mother, and personal relationships may bring sadness. Do not take out any loans unless it is an emergency. At the same time, Jupiter is fighting Saturn for you. If are planning a family, there is a strong indication of this. Use your mind for Judgement, don’t take chances. Keep your emotions in check as emotional outbursts could cause some problems. You must adapt to new circumstances and responsibilities at work, and take time to retreat and get rest. This eclipse will ask the question to what lengths will you go to accomplish what you want?

Sagittarius: Now that Saturn has moved from Scorpio to your sign, believe me when I tell you it does not have to be bad. Saturn is a hard teacher but he gives wonderful gifts. Saturn may cause emotional, physical, and professional ups and downs. There can be some ego issues. Sometimes your marriage may suffer and unnecessary arguments may be possible. At the same time, Jupiter is fighting for you too; this is one of those favorable times in your professional life. If you decide to change a job or business its ok. But don’t move now or start any kind of educational stuff; even try not to sit for any exams as I can’t say you will have good results. Sagittarius loves to travel so go and have fun. This is a time to experience what the meaning of everything is; go for a long journey, explore new worlds “boldly go where no man has ever gone before.” On earth silly. Explore and have fun.

Gemini: Be careful as Mercury could cause some problems, but also be careful of ego too. There may be some burden at work and you may even have to be more mobile. Personal and family relationships will need to be handled with kid gloves. If you continue like this, you will have stomach related issues; remember, your body is an incubator to your soul and Saturn is going to make you know this. Jupiter has been giving you luck but now you may have some issues with Jupiter. Your home or vehicle may cause problems and financial expenses may cause problems this spring. You must invest more time in religious studies. It is time to change your thinking patterns and the way you communicate. Be careful of gossip and there is plenty of travel.

Cardinal Signs

(Aries, Capricorn, Libra, and Cancer)

Though this eclipse is not directly impacting you Aries, but indirectly you will be impacted. Right now you may be on an invisible high with Mars in Aries followed by Venus in Aries. By the time this eclipse comes let’s see how you feel. But I believe your fellow Capricorn is feeling much better as Jupiter in Virgo may be treating them better. Libra is done with the eclipse stage and in September they will get the glowing torch from Virgo to have abundance. But poor Cancers will go through their own transformation in 2018. So right now margaritas are quite appropriate for them.

Aries: Even though this eclipse is not impacting you directly, as a fire sign you will be impacted indirectly. Perhaps Mars and Venus are treating you kindly, but everything must be in moderation. Saturn in Sagittarius is not so bad for you, actually it may bring some great opportunities. If you have been looking for employment it is on its way, but don’t expect that it is going to be an easy transition as it will come with plenty of expectations. There is possibility of work in another country or related to a different culture. It is time to grow up and be more optimistic, Jupiter is not on your side. Though you have not been taking good care of yourself I can’t say much about your health. Difficulties at your existing work may cause issues if you stay. You may become too emotional with friends and coworkers; you need to be careful. Give to others with your heart otherwise you will not get what you need.

Capricorn: I can truly say your worrisome nature is just as bad as Virgo’s but your spunk is something out of this world. It has been a hard road for you. Because you work as hard as Virgos does, Saturn is now questioning you. Efficiency in your occupation may be at its all-time low because of a need for rest and sleep. Your habit of overthinking, doubts, and over analyzing has to stop now; it’s causing pressure. Though Jupiter would like to be your friend, you may be your worst enemy. The added pressure may cause you to be a little sharp with people because of invisible adversaries, that do not exist, which are eventually causing you illness. Instead, put your focus on your finances and save for a rainy day. It is time to heal and transform. It is time to look inwards and find out who you are and be honest with yourself in order to change.

Libra: You do not have any eclipses and it’s a matter of going through the motions. However, now is the time to transform as you must be worthy enough to carry the torch of Jupiter in the fall. This means you cannot carry the past baggage with you, it’s too heavy. Put aside the anxieties and doubts of your employment and I would not be surprised if your new position takes you to places you have never been before as Saturn sets the stage to give you the gifts it has promised you. Remember, Saturn was about family, work, and who you are, so they may be a calling soon. Jupiter, however, is not sympathetic with you. It may be because you may have indulged or had some sort of an egotistical attitude indicating that it’s time to go into a possible hermit mode. The only thing Jupiter will help with is your health if you have been ill. It’s really time to just get out and get creative. It is time to consider personal growth. Cherish the friends who are there for you and leave behind those that do not support you.

Cancer: Enjoy the margaritas while you can. Next year your eclipses will transform you. It’s now time to accept everything with gratitude, especially when the great teacher, Saturn, is on your side by giving you professional growth, clearing away debris you have been facing, paying off debts, or a new job. On top of that, you have been double kissed by Jupiter. Good work on your ethics. A few marriage glitches may happen, but nothing you can’t handle. Family and personal relationships may go well. You will now have the ability to feel financially secure and to feel safe and sound; wow, is there any more sugar I can put on this cake?


The Lunar eclipse need extra care. For this lunar eclipse purchase a mauve candle, carve your name through to the wick, anoint the candle with passion fruit oil.

There are four mantras for this eclipse; 2 for the lunar eclipse (one difficult and one easy). It is recommended that these mantras be a course of your daily habits until 2018.

Difficult mantra

Om Chandrakia Namaha

(om Cha n dra Kee Ya Na Ma Ha)

Om shram sreem shraum sah chandraya namah

Easy mantra

Om Hreeng Shreeng Sauh

(oooommmm Hriiiing Shriiing Saaauuuhh)

More difficult

Om Hariharaya Balamukundaya Namaha

This Siddha mantra uses the universal fundamentals that oversee each chakra: Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. The purpose of this mantra is the to keep us in balance and from losing our temper through darkness and unfocused energy. This mantra will aid significantly in the peaceable and pleasant transition to new and positive energy states. With every moon cycle, remember to cross out the old affirmation even if there is the slightest change and create new ones. The perfect number for aspiration is 10. This means to list 10 aspirations and recite them every night until the next moon cycle.

Understanding the meaning of a lunar eclipse

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon and a lunar eclipse can only occur on a Full Moon, a very special Full Moon. You can understand the power of a lunar eclipse with this parallel, if a Solar eclipse challenges your logic and your authority in your life a lunar eclipse will challenge your emotional readiness for a change.

During a lunar eclipse you will face your insecurity, you must not only be able to imagine that a change can occur and what this change will bring but you must also have the willpower to proclaim: “I am ready and perfectly prepared for this change and I will make it happen”. A lunar eclipse is the perfect timing to face the past and find out the roots of your fears/insecurities, how they are linked to you, your emotions and your current state of being. To that personal journey you are advised to seek the guidance of your allies: angels, fairies, ghosts of loved ones, your higher self, the God(s) that will help you in your quest for truth and the time of the eclipse is perfect for that as it will allow you to contact ‘other worlds” and “other states of being”.

Spellcasting during an eclipse

As a piece of advice never try spellcasting during an eclipse, unless you are very well prepared for this. Not only natural powers run loose and you will find it difficult to ground them but the outcome of your spells cannot easily be predicted. It takes both a disciplined and experienced person to harvest the power of the eclipse magic and it is certainly not advised for beginners. An alternative to spellcasting can be contemplation and meditation on what you have experienced so far in your life. In addition, it is a good time to honour yourself, the Gods and beings of other worlds.

To take it one step further you may wish to initiate a contact with the Divine Forces.


The full impact of the eclipse may or may not be clear. Sometimes it takes many months for all the subsequent events to ripple out. If you believe as I do that there's a higher hand at work, then it's easier to trust in life even when it's looking like drama, crisis and one jarring event after another.

It's a potent time that dislodges us and sends us zooming along a new path. In the end, you may look back at eclipse events as the thing that got you on track, deepened your character or shocked you awake.

Lunar Eclipse and Moon Rituals

The Solar Eclipse, is a time to put your thoughts into actions and wishes to manifestations. Eclipses are the time when the moon energy is extremely intense and its effect is long-lasting.

One of the simplest and easiest way is:
  • Take a piece of paper and list down all you want to manifest.

  • Draw Reiki symbols on the back side of paper.

  • Sit comfortably, call upon Archangel Haniel and Goddess Diana to bless you and help you manifest your desires.

  • Connect to moon energy with distant symbol. Read out a single wish. And meditate on it. Imagine the whole scenario, desired outcome, your reaction upon fulfilled wish and your loved ones reaction. Just imagine as if it is already happening NOW.

  • Repeat the process with all your wishes. End the session by thanking Goddess Diana, Archangel Haniel, Reiki and Moon energy.

Ritual: “Noble Gifting”

This eclipse reminds us to pause and reflect on the blessings we already have. Be that wonderful friends, a successful career, or a closet full of designer clothes, it’s likely that you are already richer in your life than you may realize. But today’s consumer culture operates on the assumption that we are always wanting more. Less is indeed more during this potent full moon.

Work with the energy of the eclipse to shed some of your excess belongings. Decluttering and letting go sends out a potent message to the universe. By releasing, you make space for the new to arrive. You can even make this your mantra during this full moon:

“I have faith that I can attract abundance in the ways that are right for me.”

After you’ve finished purging, think about balancing your karmic books, too. Is there someone in your life who has truly supported you, or been your champion? If your budget allows, go ahead and buy them a small token that demonstrates your gratitude and appreciation. What you get needn’t be expensive, either. It’s truly the thought that counts.

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